Twinmotion Community Challenge #4: “One ARCHICAD model, any environment”
The next Twinmotion Community Challenge is on, and this one’s a little different. We’ll provide the model and you need to dream up a stunning setting to show it off. Share your images for the chance to win a $500 cash prize.
Our next Twinmotion Community Challenge is here, and this time we’re flipping the script.
Usually, we ask you to create a building and place it in an environment we’ve chosen. This time, we’ll provide the building and you decide the environment.
As always, there are some Epic prizes up for grabs along with the opportunity to show the world what you can do with Twinmotion. A cash prize of $500 will be awarded for the most compelling image of the supplied ARCHICAD 20 signature model in a setting of your choosing.
There are no limitations and no rules about the building’s surroundings. It could be amongst the dunes of the desert, high in the mountains, or on the banks of one of the world’s great rivers—let your imagination run riot.
Entries are to be submitted via social media, with the best showcased on Twinmotion’s own social media channels.
Check out the challenge details below and get your entry posted by the deadline!
Challenge #4: “One ARCHICAD model, any environment”
Your mission is simple: take the supplied model and create an image showcasing it in a stunning environment of your invention.
The deadline for entry is Wednesday, October 14, 2020 at 11:59 PM GMT+2, and the winning entry will receive a cash prize of $500 plus Epic Games swag.
See below for important info on submission and rules.
Your submission should be an image in at least 2K resolution created with Twinmotion 2020.1 or a higher version. Entries created using the trial and education versions of the software will be accepted.
Make your submissions by Wednesday, October 14, 2020 at 11:59 PM GMT+2 through social media, with the hashtag #TwinmotionChallenge in the text.
All submissions must credit the model and creator "Len Lye Centre, New Plymouth, New Zealand, designed by Patterson Associates" in the submission post.
Post the entry on your Twitter or LinkedIn account with the tag @Twinmotion
Post the entry on your Instagram account with the tag @twinmotionofficial
Your entry can be posted with any one or more of the methods above. Just be sure to include #TwinmotionChallenge in the text!
Check out the official rules for this challenge; they vary slightly each time. However, there’s one important rule that’s the same for every challenge:
The items in your image cannot include any trademarked branding or logos. For example, if a laptop appears in your image, it cannot have a visible brand logo—you can still have the laptop in the scene, just not the logo. If your image includes a branded refrigerator, the refrigerator itself can stay in the scene, but the logo cannot appear in the image.
Unfortunately, we have to disqualify any image with such branding or logos from the competition. We don’t want this to happen to you, so be sure to strip out all logos and branding before posting your entry.